Cultural heritage at risk by climate change
Charisma project team presents and discusses the results of WP1
10/03/2023 – 10.00 – Rome Business School
Via Giuseppe Montanelli, 5, 00195 Rome Italy
live streaming available

10.00 Welcome and introduction to CHARISMA Project
10.15 Presentation of WP1 Project results. Study on risk assessment and management of cultural heritage across Europe
10.45 Art cities at climate risk
ARTE Generali
11.15 Maria Teresa Iaquinta
11.30 Ing. Daniele Spizzichino, PhD
ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale
12.00 Q&A and Closing remarks
How to participate in the event in presence
Per partecipare in presenza
Please fill out the form below. You will receive a confirmation from our staff. Places are limited.
Compilare il form sottostante, riceverete una conferma dal nostro staff. I posti sono limitati.
How to watch the live streaming
Per seguire la diretta streaming
and is available on Charisma Project Youtube Channel
Per seguire la diretta streaming non si richiede registrazione
ed è disponibile su questa pagina o sul canale Youtube di Charisma
To read the full report, click here:
On-the-job training on risk management of historical manufacts
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Risk Manager’s European skills and competences profile
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Burghauptmannschaft Österreich is stakeholder of CHARISMA
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SpeakART is stakeholder of Charisma
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Study on risk assessment and management of cultural heritage across Europe
The Charisma project team is happy to announce that the results of the first Work Package are finally ready! This Study is the very first document to underline not only the need for protection of cultural heritage from natural disasters and phenomena due to climate...
Recto Verso is stakeholder of Charisma
The Charisma team is working to expand its network of stakeholders that decided to support the project and that will be involved in the its activites and in the achievement of the objectives. The selected stakeholders are companies that work hard in the filed of...
The way we chose to face climate change challenge to cultural heritage
Nowadays the urgency to protect cultural heritage from the risks induced by climate change could not be greater. In 2022, two strategic documents have been published: the White paper ‘Cultural Heritage and Climate Change: New challenges and perspectives for research’...